

Big, heart-shaped leaves that display amazing color combinations of white, pink, red and green best describe caladiums. They love hot, humid weather and grow best in full to partial shade, though most varieties can also be grow in full sun as long as they get plenty of water. This provides multiple options for planting caladiums in gardens, landscapes, and combining them with other sun loving annuals, perennials and bulbs. Decorate outdoor sitting areas with caladiums since they grow well in pots and planters and are the perfect solution for brightening a shady porch or a covered deck.  They also brighten up window boxes and hanging baskets and make a colorful border along a sidewalk or flowerbed.

Though caladiums rarely flower, their beautiful leaves guarantee a colorful show wherever they are planted.  Keep the soil evenly moist and provide plenty of fertilizer during the growing season since they are heavy feeders and need regular fertilization during the growing season, especially container-grown plants. Use a low-nitrogen or balanced formulation, as too much nitrogen can affect leaf color.  Like most plants, caladiums grow best in fertile, well drained soil. Plant tubers 2“ below the top of the soil and the texture and fertility of the soil can be improved by adding compost or top soil when they are planted.


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