

Beautiful and extremely popular flowering plants that grow well both in the garden and in containers, Geraniums are popular for their bright and sometimes fragrant flowers, but they bring with them the extra bonus of being especially good companion plants.  They come in a wide range of colors, from white and red to various shades of pink and purple.  Growing geranium plants is easy as long as you can give them what they need. Depending on where or how you grow geranium plants, their needs will be somewhat different. Indoors, geraniums need lots of light for blooming but will tolerate moderate light conditions.  These plants need to be grown in well-draining potting soil as well. When growing geraniums outdoors, they require moist, well-draining soil similar to that of indoor potting soil with equal amounts of soil, peat, and perlite. Locate your geraniums in an area with at least six to eight hours of sunlight. Mulching the plants is also recommended to help retain moisture.

Whether indoors or out, geranium care is very simple. In addition to watering, which should be done deeply and once the soil begins to feel dry indoors or at least weekly outdoors (though potted plants may need daily watering in hot weather), fertilizing is usually necessary. Regular deadheading of spent blooms will also help encourage additional blooming. When watering outdoor plants, it’s best to avoid overhead irrigation, as this can lead to pests or disease issues. Geranium plants root easily from cuttings.


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