
Grow Green is a gardening education program promoting sustainable landscaping practices. It addresses water quality and conservation, recycling, and an Integrated Pest Management philosophy, which encourages the least-toxic way to address pest issues. The Grow Green program includes Training Workshops, Events, Promotions and more.
Click here for more information on Grow Green.

More Web Links:
Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service
Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center
Travis County Master Gardeners

Hummingbird & Butterfly Plant List HELPFUL LISTS
Hummingbirds and butterflies need nectar, a natural sugar water found in many flowers. Simple plant selections can provide food for butterflies and hummingbirds will bring both into your landscape.
Click here for a list of plants.

Deer Resistant Plant ListWhile there is no such thing as an absolutely deer-proofed landscape, some plants and shrubs are just much less palatable to deer! By choosing plants that discourage deer, they may take a sample nibble and move on without total devastation to your gardenscape.
Click here for a list of plants.