

Deriving their name from the five-pointed petals on the flowers, Pentas are warm region tropical blooming plants.  They come in a profusion of colors, with flowers that are a variety of pink, red or white, but new cultivars have introduced tones of purple and lavender and mixed blooms such as pink with red centers.  When you know how to grow Pentas, you have a foolproof way of attracting hummingbirds and butterflies, too. 

These plants grow fairly slow and are commonly found as container or bedding plants. Pentas plant care is similar to any warm season perennial. They are not prone to many diseases and the main pest problem is spider mites.  Pentas are low maintenance plants and provided they get plenty of water, sunshine and heat, they will perform beautifully and reward you with an abundance of blooms. Deadhead Pentas flowers to encourage more bloom and young Pentas plant care should include pinching off the stem ends to force a more compact plant.


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