

Cyclamen are part of the Primrose family and the plant was a favorite of artist Leonardo Da Vinci, who used them to decorate the margins of his manuscripts at the beginning of the 16th century. They are generally winter and spring flowering plants that are available in a wide array of colors including white, red and ranging from light to dark pink. It is a perennial plant that is versatile, as it can be used as an indoor plant or can form part of flowerbeds in the garden or containers. With flowers typically appearing between December and May, they enjoy potted positions with a good degree of light, but away from direct sunlight. They also benefit from adequate ventilation.

Natives of warm countries in the Mediterranean and parts of Asia and Africa, Cyclamen can be challenging to cultivate, but will reward efforts with their delicate flowers. Usually found in wooded and rocky habitats as well as some alpine meadows, they can be adaptable when potted but need a level of care and attention to flourish. They need careful watering. Too much water can affect the flowering and also cause other problems. By waiting until the soil feels dry before adding water, the plant is able to thrive without becoming drenched. Consider plant food every two weeks or so.


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