Trumpet Vine


Trumpet vine, occasionally called trumpet flower, is a beautiful native, semi-evergreen, climbing, woody, vine. The name is derived from the shape of the pith in the vine’s stem when viewed in cross-section. The flowers are trumpet shaped, the outside a reddish orange and the throat bright yellow with the blossoms appearing as early as April. Flowering occurs from mid spring to late summer. It is a perennial and in mild climates an evergreen. Trumpet vines are robust and vital and their care includes little more than occasional pruning if you grow these beauties in the best possible location. Ideal cross vine growing conditions include a sunny location with acidic, well-drained soil. It will also grow in partial shade but the flower growth might be diminished.

Trumpet vine is a wonderful native plant to add to your backyard garden. The numerous, beautiful flowers and the accompanying ruby-throated hummingbirds is a natural for homeowners wishing to establish wildlife plantings.


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