Carolina Jessamine (Yellow Jasmine)


Putting on a spectacular display of masses of fragrant yellow flowers in the spring, Carolina Jessamine (also known as yellow jasmine) is perfect for planting on trellises and arbors, along fences or under trees with loose canopies. The glossy leaves stay green all year, providing dense coverage for the supporting structure or can even be used as a ground cover. This is a relatively low maintenance plant, requiring only occasional pruning to remove unwanted growth.

Although they tolerate partial shade, sunny locations are best for growing Carolina Jessamine. In partial shade, the plant grows slowly and may become leggy, as the plant focuses its energy into upward growth in an effort to find more light. Choose a location with fertile, organically rich soil that drains well. If the soil falls short of these requirements, amend it with a generous amount of compost before planting. The plants tolerate drought but look their best when watered regularly in the absence of rain.


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