Turks Cap


Native to East, South and Central Texas, growing in shady, well-drained areas along the banks of streams and limestone canyon walls, Turks Cap is a wonderful shrub plant with gorgeous red flowers attractive to butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. Though it has never been verified, Turk’s cap apparently seems to have received its name by the flower that resembles a fez, the red felt hat formerly worn by Turkish men. The red flowers are perfect for a little burst of color after a good portion of your garden may have stopped flowering.

Turks Cap can grow almost anywhere from full sun to deep shade, though it does not seem to prefer full sun and grows into a multi-branching bush a few feet high and can get up to 6 feet in height, depending on the conditions. Most winters it will die back to the ground but emerges soon in early spring. It flowers from late spring to the first freeze. It will only need to be watered occasionally once it has been established.


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