Mexican Petunia


As its name implies, the Mexica Petunia comes from south of the border and is a beautiful addition to a flowering backyard retreat. It is not a real petunia, but its flower looks like one. As a hardy perennial that is low maintenance and drought resistant, Mexican petunias are one of several desert plants that are recommended for warm, dry climates. Its flower petals are most commonly a vibrant violet color, but they can also be pink or white. Like daylilies, they only bloom once a day, but continuously bloom throughout the summer.

Mexican petunia bushes take full sun—the more direct sun they receive, the more flowers will bloom. They can withstand shade and partial shade but will be less productive if planted in these areas. While growing in a variety of soil types, they prefer to be planted in well-drained, fertile soil. When given ideal growing conditions, Mexican petunias are not very susceptible to blight and there no major concern when it comes to pests.


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