Fall Asters


As the grand finale of summer starts to wind downs and fall begins to make an appearance, Fall Asters make their big entrance. They add vibrant color to the late summer and autumn landscapes with a daisy-like lavender flowers. Fall Asters are easy to grow and bloom predictably and reliably and can be used in many places such as borders, rock gardens or wildflower gardens. Asters also attract bees and butterflies, providing the pollinators with an important late-season supply of nectar.

Once established, Fall Asters require little watering, unless conditions have become unusually dry and the plants show signs of stress. Plant asters in areas with partial to mostly full sun but avoid the hot mid-day sun and keep the soil moist but not saturated. Pinch back the stems or deadhead several times before mid-July helps to control plant height, promote bushiness and encourage blooming through the entire season.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.