Blue Daze


Blue Daze, also referred to as the shaggy dwarf morning-glory or Hawaiian Blue Eyes, is extremely popular because of the intense, true sky-blue color of its flowers. It is a heat and sun-loving, low-spreading, drought tolerant tropical plant that will provide blooms throughout the late spring, summer and fall and performs best in the full sun. The grayish-green foliage serves as a wonderful backdrop for the delicate blue flowers. Blue Daze is perfect as a border, ground cover or as a cascading plant in hanging baskets or containers. The flowers usually close up at night and on cloudy days.

The Blue Daze grows up to18 inches tall and can spread up to 36 inches in width and tolerate a wide range of soils. Ensure that the soil is well drained as the plants, if maintained too wet, can quickly contract fungal diseases. Water deeply and let the soil dry between watering’s. Fertilizing once a month will help to keep the plant blooming. It will also tolerate light shade, especially during the hottest part of the afternoon.


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