Rose of Sharon (Althea)


For a tropical look with your landscaping, add the beautiful rose of Sharon, also known as Althea. Splashes of white, red, pink, lavender, and blue as well as bi-color paper-like flowers will bloom from late spring into fall, adding wonderful color and texture throughout your flowerbeds and gardens. The large, showy flowers attract birds and butterflies as well as other pollinators. Rose of Sharon is easy to grow, even for beginning gardeners, as they are tolerant of a wide range of conditions, including poor soil, heat, humidity, and drought.

The plants have a graceful vase-shaped form, with small attractive medium to dark green leaves. Rose of Sharon bloom best in full sun with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight every day. What makes Rose of Sharon stand apart from other hibiscus is that they can tolerate colder temperatures than tropical hibiscus but still thrive in the heat. They do best with morning and early afternoon sun and late afternoon shade. Plus, unlike perennial hibiscus, they are woody shrubs that persist above ground through winter, with new growth emerging on those same branches in spring.


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