
Espoma Natural Gardening Solutions

Since 1929, The Espoma Company has been the pioneer in natural gardening solutions. From our leading organic plant food, Holly-tone®, to our new Espoma Organic Potting Mixes, we provide the most extensive selection of natural organic products that work in harmony with nature to grow beautiful lawns & gardens, preserve natural resources, and make a safer world for future generations.

ferti-lome Brand | Voluntary Purchasing Groups

Voluntary Purchasing Groups Inc. (VPG), the makers of ferti-lome®, Hi-Yield® and Natural Guard®, is a 100% patron owned manufacturer, blender and supplier of lawn, garden and agricultural chemicals. ferti•lome® is dedicated to making products that allow all homeowners to feel good about their lawn and garden choices. OMRI Listed for organic use and safe to use around your family and pets.